All activities take place at Wickham Bishops village hall unless stated otherwise.
Arts: The Arts Society Blackwater
The Arts Society holds monthly lectures on the first Thursday of the month, and in May, on the second Thursday at 11am. Refreshments are available from 10.30am. We also hold days of special interest, when we have 3 lectures and lunch. For membership and all enquiries see the website or contact David Anderson on 01621 840956
Badminton: Tuesday & Wednesday Badminton
We are a badminton club with separate sessions for ladies and men.
Ladies play on Tuesdays 2-4pm and Wednesdays 1.30-3.30pm.
Men play on Tuesday nights 8-10pm.
If you are interested, please contact Sue Harding at
Badminton: Thursday Ladies Badminton Club
We meet on Thursday afternoons from 1.45 to 3.45 pm. If you are interested in playing please contact Lilian Laccohee by email at or by telephone on 07562 321049
Bridge: Wickham Bishops Bridge Club
We meet every Wednesday evening at 7pm in the small meeting room. We are a friendly bunch of bridge enthusiasts and welcome new members. Even if you don’t have a partner, we often have people looking for partners due to holidays etc. If you would like more information call John on 07454 745438. I look forward to hearing from you.

Children: Nursery
We are an established Nursery providing high quality care for children aged 2 and above. We are open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9.30 am until 4.00pm and Mondays from 9:30am until 1pm. Sessional hours are also available on these days. Tel: 01621 892991
Children: Performance & Theatre - Vicki Little Stars
Contact: or phone 07743 650845.
Children: Toddlers
Open every Wednesday during term time 10.00 until 11.30. Excellent group, lovely clean toys and friendly atmosphere. Includes access to wide variety of toys, craft activities and a break-time biscuit. (Tea and coffee for grown-ups). Some weeks we have table-top sellers e.g cards, jewellery, body shop, and children’s photographer, to name but a few. Suitable for pre-school age and babies. Please see our Facebook page for contact details
Country Music: Graham's Country Music
First and fourth Saturdays of the month for live music and line dancing in the Village Hall.
Contact Graham on 01245 491252 or 07970 636580
Dance: Georgia's Dance Academy
Our Thursday class is for our competition squad! Join us and compete across the county winning medals, trophies, sashes and prizes but most importantly having fun with the best dance family! Classes run Thursdays 5.30-7pm £6.50 PAYG. All of our classes are PAYG. You only pay when you dance!
Dance: Starlight Dancing
Ballroom & Latin Dancers for Adult Beginners
Come and join us for a bit of beginner ‘Strictly’ fun! Each month we will be teaching a new Ballroom and Latin dance from the very beginning at a fun, relaxed pace. No prior experience needed!
For information on what classes we are teaching next month, visit or call us on 07739 518890
Drama: Wickham Bishops Drama Club
The Wickham Bishops Drama Club (WBDC) is a community drama group established in 1928, aiming to encourage the performance and enjoyment of live amateur theatre in the local area. We stage three performances per year in January, April, and July. From treading the boards to assisting with set design, if you are interested in any aspects of theatre or simply want to try something new, we welcome new members. No experience required. Simply come along to the village hall on a Monday or Thursday evening from 8pm. For more information, please see or alternatively please email
Film: Community Cinema
Spectrum Community Cinema family-run local business operates from September-April.
We screen films that have just finished their run at the national cinemas. They are screened on the last Friday of the month. The hall is set with tables and chairs all with a good view of our 16’x9′ screen. Tables can be reserved if there are 4 or more in your party. If you have any special requirements, please request by email; subtitles run throughout. Fully licensed bar, sharing plates, hot dogs and icecreams.
Doors open at 7pm and the film starts 8pm. Tickets are £8 from The Health Food shop or £8.50 online at

Football: Beacon Hill Rovers
Beacon Hill Rovers play at the Wickham Bishops Sports Field in Great Totham Road, behind ‘The Mitre’ pub. The Club is pleased to be a centre for the local community with teams for all: starting at six through to Walking Football for over 50s and 60s; men, women, boys and girls. The Mens’ teams play on Saturday afternoons, the Women on Sunday afternoons, Youth teams practise Saturday mornings and play matches on Sunday mornings. The tea bar is open to all as is the Clubroom when football is going on. See our Club website or contact the Club Secretary via
Gardening: Essex Hardy Plant Society
The Hardy Plants Society Essex Group meet on a Sunday every month from September to April. Find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. For membership enquiries, email Chris Cheswright on

Jazz: Wickham Bishops Jazz Club
Wickham Bishops Jazz Club meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month, except July & August. We have been running in one guise or another since the early to mid 1950s, and we continue to provide a venue for jazz lovers to enjoy top UK & international bands. Further details by contacting Pete at

Quilting: The Cotton Scatterers
Our group is primarily a patchwork and quilting group but we do have some members who also knit, crochet, embroider and do other crafting activities. We welcome anyone to our group who is sociable and likes doing crafty things.
Contact: Liz Bickers 07905 654222;
Social Club: The Beacon Hill Social Club ('BHSC')
The Beacon Hill Social Club (‘BHSC’) is housed on the top floor of the Wickham Bishops Village Hall. It provides recreational facilities for use by residents of the local parishes. It has a bar and social area, along with 3 snooker tables and a dart board. The club is run by a committee, drawn from a membership of around 130. New members are required to be sponsored by an existing member.
Opening Times: 9am – midnight.
Contact details: .
Tai Chi
Essex Tai Chi Academy meet on Friday mornings. 9.30 to 11.30am.
We are a friendly group and do Master Moys Tai Chi set and other forms. All welcome.
Contact Lorrie 07813 755156
Tennis: Wickham Bishops Tennis Club
Wickham Bishops Tennis Club is a family friendly and popular club situated in Great Totham Road. It has four well-maintained hard courts, which are all floodlit, and a light and spacious pavilion overlooking the courts. The Club encourages both social and competitive tennis through a full programme of club sessions, coaching, tournaments, and local league matches for adults and juniors alike. Adult enquiries: 07946 518614; Junior enquiries: 01621 892816.
u3a: Maldon and District u3a
Maldon and District u3a has approximately 400 members; it’s one branch of a UK-wide movement for people no longer in full time work or raising a family. We hold a monthly meeting with a guest speaker at 1.30 pm on the 3rd Monday each month. We have nearly 40 different activity groups which meet throughout the month at various locations and also organise outings for their particular interests. In addition, there are social events for all members. Interested? Call Alec Fraser 01621 892138 or email:; website:

Wine: The Beacon Wine Circle
The Beacon Wine Circle is a social group with a varied programme including wine tastings. We invite speakers on a variety of subjects, and arrange outings and a summer garden party. Meetings are monthly, on a Friday. Our growing membership is currently over 100 and we look forward to welcoming more new members. For further details please contact our Secretary, Peter Elvish at