Terms and Conditions for hiring a venue

Click here to download these Terms and Conditions as a pdf document.

Hirers should also download the Hire Information sheet and take it with them.

Please read carefully:

  1. The venues are available to hire from 8am to 11:30pm Monday to Saturday and 8am to 10pm on Sunday.
  2. The BHSA can use its discretion to refuse a booking request from a hirer without giving a reason. In any event, birthday parties for 15-19 year olds will NOT be considered and bookings will only be accepted from hirers who are aged 21 or over.
  3. In the event of a cancellation, there is a sliding scale for refunds of the hire fee: if less than two weeks before the event, no refund will be given; if between two and three weeks, 50% will be refunded; if more than three weeks 75% will be refunded. The hirer should contact BHSA as soon as possible should a cancellation be required.
  4. The hirer shall be responsible for any loss or damage to the structure, equipment, fixture and fittings of the premises, which must be left in a clean and tidy condition – this also applies to the cooker, if used. Subject to the discretion of the BHSA, the cost of making good such damage or the cost of cleaning will be invoiced to the hirer.
  5. The hirer shall, if preparing, serving or selling food, observe all relevant food health and hygiene legislation and regulations and shall solely be responsible for any repercussions if having failed to do so.
  6. The hirer shall, if using their own electrical equipment, ensure that it has been properly PAT tested and shall solely be responsible for any repercussions if having failed to do so.
  7. The premises are not licensed for the sale of alcohol. If alcohol is to be sold at the event the hirer must use a caterer with a licence or obtain a licence themselves from Maldon District Council.
  8. Where applicable, the hirer must apply to Maldon District Council for a bar licence at least two months before the event and send a copy to the Booking Clerk at info@wickhambishopsvenues.org at least one calendar month before the event.
  9. Music must cease by 11:30pm and the premises vacated by 11.59pm at which time the lights in the car park will go out. Hirers must also be aware that the key fob door will lock closed automatically at 11:59pm – re-entry after this time will not be possible. On Sundays no music is allowed in the venues after 6pm and the venue must be vacated by 10pm.
  10. The hirer shall control all music provided at these premises so as to prevent any nuisance being caused to the local residents (all doors must be kept closed). There is a noise-limiting device fitted to the venue which must be used – excessive noise will result in the power to the electric sockets being turned off. Bookings where music is played are liable to a sliding scale Performing Rights Levy, depending on the number of people attending which is payable via the website booking page. Children’s parties are exempted from this levy.
  11. The hirer shall ensure they have the correct insurance in place to cover the event:

    • Your property and the property of all attendees is not covered, even if you have been given written permission to store the property at the premises.
      You need to make your own property insurance arrangements.
    • The BHSA’s public liability insurance policy protects hirers for accidents arising from faulty premises, fixtures and fittings or equipment supplied by the BHSA within these premises.


  1. The hirer has a responsibility to know how many attendees are present at the event. The hirer should brief attendees on emergency evacuation procedures at the beginning of the period of hire. If the fire alarm sounds, the premises must be vacated immediately via the fire exits. In the event of an evacuation, the hirer must check that all attendees have evacuated the area of hire, that they have reached the assembly point and that no one re-enters the building until authorised to do so by police/fire officer/responsible person. Fire exits must be kept clear at all times.
  2. The hirer shall ensure they have adequate stewarding for cars to avoid any possible traffic incidents. No cars should be parked in Wooldridge Place.
  3. Where the venue is being used for a prior approved indoor sports event it is a condition of the hire that a suitably qualified First Aider will be in attendance.
  4. Children involved in an activity on the premises must at all times be supervised by a responsible adult.
  5. The hirer must ensure there is adequate supervision of attendees both inside and outside the premises.
  6. Smoking is not allowed inside the premises. There is an ashbin on the wall at the front of the Main Hall, for use by attendees. If anyone smokes anywhere on the premises, it will set off the fire alarms and the fire brigade will automatically attend. If this occurs it will result in a penalty fee of £100 levied on the hirer. For the same reasons, no smoke machines or other forms of pyrotechnics must be used.
  7. If the Small Hall or Conference Room are not booked and paid for, but are used by the hirer, an additional fee for the cost of the room hire will be levied.
  8. The hirer shall ensure that all the curtain blinds are in the ‘down’ position if they are using the hall after dark. For day hire, please leave the blinds in the ‘up’ position when leaving the venue.
  9. No bottles or glasses of drink may be taken outside the hall unless you have applied for a bar licence that specifically permits you to do so. Failure to comply with this condition may result in a penalty fee of £100 being levied on the hirer.
  10. The hirer shall ensure that all recyclable items such as bottles/cans/plastic containers/cardboard and unopened or unused surplus food are taken away after the event. All other items must be placed in the bin bags provided in the kitchen, tied at the top and put in the wheelie bins situated in the outside refuse store. This is located opposite the play area behind the single louvred door.
  11. The hirer shall ensure that all lighting is turned OFF, all doors are locked, all windows are closed and the building is left secure, after the function. The key fob should be returned to the key safe and the lock scrambled without delay after the event. A £50 fee will be levied on the hirer if the key fob is not returned.

BHSA T&C of hire: last updated 4 Dec 2024
Booking phone: 07543 033783. Mon-Fri 10am-5pm
Email: info@wickhambishopsvenues.org
Facilities Manager: 07421 730275